The Disappearance of Shere Hite: Tuesday, October 22

Admission $5
Showing at 7:30pm

Documentary, English, 1 hour 56 minutes)

Director: Nicole Newnham

Shere Hite shocked the world in the 1970s with her breakthrough studies on female sexuality and her finding that women may be sexually satisfied without the aid of males or even traditional sexual activity. The Hite Report: A Nationwide Study of Female Sexuality, her best-selling book, contains the most intimate experiences of thousands of anonymous survey participants. Her discoveries shocked the American elite and paved the way for the present dialogue on gender and sexuality. Her eventual choice was to renounce her American passport, leave the nation, and relocate to Europe, where she believed her ideals were more widely accepted.

“…an astonishing, beautifully made corrective to the cultural amnesia that has for decades surrounded Hite, the author of The Hite Report, a landmark 1976 survey on female sexuality, that is apparently still ranked the 30th best-selling book in history.” – Variety
“…an illuminating, haunting, and ruminative documentary worth watching, if not for crystalizing the history of Hite’s work on film then for a look at how much and how little things have changed for women.” – The Austin Chronicle

Douglass Theatre

355 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Macon, Georgia 31201

Films are presented the second Sunday of each month at 2pm and 5pm, with a discussion following the 2pm show. Documentaries are quarterly on Tuesdays at 7:30pm. Tickets are $5.00 at the Douglass Theatre in downtown Macon.